How Earthquake is classified? 4 basic classification of earthquake.

In this Article we are going to understand the classification of earthquake based on magnitude, depth, location, intensity, cause  :-

To know how earthquake occur Must read Why & How earthquake occur ?


Classification of earthquake

Earthquake is classified based on following criteria 

1) On the basis of occurrence of location:- Interplate and Intraplate are two types of earthquake classified on the basis of their location.

Interplate Earthquakes:- 
Interplate earthquake are the types of earthquake which occur along the boundaries of the tectonic plates. Most of the earthquake in these world are Interplate types. 

As Interplate earthquake releases from boundary therefore they releases less stress and not very destructive in nature. 

Intraplate earthquakes:-
These are the kind of earthquake which occur from the tectonic plates and their location will be away from the boundary of tectonic plate.

More Stress releases due to Intraplate earthquake as compare to Interplate earthquake.

2) On the basis of their cause:- On the basis of their causes of occurrence, the earthquake are classifies in these groups:-

Tectonic earthquake:- 
The earthquake which occur due to the release of accumulated stress in earth rock. When the stress accumulated exceed its limit then there is sudden release of stress which is the reason of occurring of earthquake.
These earthquake originates from the tectonic plates

Non-tectonic earthquake:-
The earthquake which are of non-tectonic origin and they are classified as:-

Superficial earthquakes:- superficial earthquake are basically caused by the human activities on the surface of earth like due to mining or blasting, due to heavy machinery or locomotives.
These are not highly dangerous as they originates from earth surface.

Volcanic earthquakes:- These kind of earthquakes occurs due to the eruption of volcano. The waves originate from the volcano can be feel near the eruptions. Its epicentral distance is low as compare to tectonic earthquake.

3) On the basis of focal depth:- On the basis of focal depth from epicenter to focus the earthquake are classified into:-

Shallow earthquake:- The earthquake in which the focal depth is limited upto 71km are called shallow earthquakes or normal earthquakes.

Intermediate earthquake:- When focal depth varies from 71 Km to 300 Km then it is termed as intermediate earthquake.

Deep earthquake:- Those earthquake whose focal depth is greater than 300 Km are called deep earthquake.

4) Based on the Intensity:- On the basis of intensity the earthquake is classified as:-

a) Instrumental
b) Very feeble
c) Moderate
d) Strong
e) Very strong
f) Destructive etc.

5) On the basis of Magnitude :- On the basis of magnitude the earthquake is classified as:-

a) Micro earthquake:- When Magnitude is less than 3.0
b) Intermediate earthquake:- When Magnitude lies between (3.0-4.0)
c) Moderate earthquake:- When Magnitude lies between (5.0-5.9)
d) Strong earthquake:- When Magnitude lies between (6.0-6.9)
e) Major earthquake:- When Magnitude lies between (7.0-7.9)
f) Great earthquake:- When Magnitude is greater than 8.0

These are the major classification of earthquake 
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