Different Method used in contouring & Difference between direct and indirect method of contouring

Methods of contouring :-

(1) Direct method 

(2) Indirect method

(1)Direct Method : The method in which  contouring of the points  of required elevation  are  directly located on the ground with help of  a levelling instrument (or a hand  level  or a abney's  level ) is called direct method .

Use of direct method:-

  • for  small areas and when  great  accuracy is required .

Contouring  by direct method  is done  by any  of  the following  methods:

(1) By Selecting  a long main  line and then  taking  cross section at  suitable  intervals

(2) By  radial  Method 

(3)By use of plane table with levelling  operation

(1) Direct method by selecting a long main line : 

 In this direct method, contouring is done along the selected base lie and along the selected cross sections.

Procedure  of  contouring by  selecting  a long  main line :

(a)A  long main  or base line  is selected on the ground of area of which the  contour map is prepared  pegs are then driven  at an interval of 10m or 15m or 20m  depending upon the importance of survey .

(b) Cross section  at right angles  to the base line are drawn at pegs fixed in & above extending  both ways of the base line up to the length sufficient to include the required area to be contoured.

(c) The  level  is then set  up near  the middle of the area  and the reading of staff kept above the bench mark (may be permanent or temporary ) is taken. Suppose the R.L  bench mark is 302.00m and the staff reading is 2.75 m. The level of the line  of collimation is then (302+2.75=304.75 m)

(d) Now  decide the elevation  of the required contour  to be located directly on the  ground .Let  it be 303.00 .The staff reading which should be read  through the telescope of the level at the above setting reading bubble in the center, will have an elevation of 303.00 The points of R.L  303.00 are located  on the each cross sectional line moving the staff on the each cross section line till the staff reading bisected on each points 1.75m. The position  of such point is recorded in the field note book by measuring distance from the main base line from the main pegs such as A,B ,and C etc. shown in fig to the left or right in order to facilitate  plotting later on

(e) Now suppose the next  contour to be located has elevation 304.00 .The staff reading required to locate points on the cross sections will be 304.75 -304.00= 0.75 m.

The process is repeated till all the points of required contour level  are located from one setting. The level is then shifted to other setting and above process is repeated till the whole area is contoured .


The method of contouring by cross section is suitable for determining contours over a long but narrow strip as in  the case of roads ,railways and canals etc. advantage being that the positions  of the required points can be easily traced along the cross section .

By Radial Method : In this  direct method contouring is carried out by following radial lines drawn from a common point approximately in the center  of area .

For small areas where a single setting in the Centre  can command the whole area , this method is the most suited .Radial lines are  ranged from a common centre by theodolite or a compass and their relative positions being fixed by measuring the angles between them .Temporary bench mark is first  established at the Centre and the contour points of required elevation are then located on these lines as described above. The  position  of the points are found by measuring their distances from the Centre setting along the radial lines. They are then plotted on the plan and the contours drawn by joining all the corresponding points as shown in fig 

Direct method by use of plane table :In this method there is no necessity of having a main base line and  taking cross sections

Procedure :

(a)Plane table is set  up  at a convenient place in the  area to be contoured. The level is then set up near to the plane and the height of line of collimation is found by taking a staff reading on permanent or temporary bench mark of known reduced  Level (R.L)

(b) The staff reading  is calculated for locating contours of known elevation. The leveller  then directs the staff man to more   forward, backward, sideways so  that the calculated  staff reading kept over a point of required elevation is bisected by the line collimation.

(c) as soon as the positon  of the required point of known elevation is located the distance of this  point is measured from the centre of plane table .A ray is drawn by means of an alidade in the direction  of staff point and the  point  is located on the plane table sheet at required scale and the R.L  written along the point .

(d) The above procedure is repeated to locate  other points on the ground and on the plane table. The points of the same elevations are then joined to draw the contours.

Indirect method :

The  method in which spot levels taken on already fixed  over the entire area, their respective R.L  written against each point in the plan drawn to scale and contour lines drawn by interpolation is called direct method.


This method is used  in all kind of survey being cheaper ,quick and less tedious  compared to direct  method of contouring .

Contouring by Indirect  method  is done by any of following method:

(1) By squaring method 

(2) By Cross Sections method

(3) By  Tachometric method

(1) By square method :

This method  is usually  used when the area to be contoured is small and without too many undulation .In this method  the whole area to be contoured  is enclosed by setting out  a big square or a rectangle .
This is  big square or rectangle is divided into series of squares or  rectangle , the sides of which may vary from 3m to 30m depending upon .

(a) nature  of ground  
(b) The contour interval 
(c)the accuracy of the work  required .

Square method 

The  corners  of the  of the square or rectangle are marked with pegs and each  peg is numbered so as to facilitate plotting the position of the pegs afterwards.
Preferably the size of the square  or rectangle may be uniform  however, it need not be same size throughout  depending upon the nature of the ground .With  respect to known bench mark , the elevations  of the ground at the corners of the squares or rectangles are determined with a level  when required .The  field work is then plotted on a sheet of paper to required scale and the reduced levels of all the corners  and other points are written against each near them. The contours of the required elevation are drawn by the method of interpolation as shown fig .two unique points L and M represent depression and hill respectively .this method gives fairly accurate results for a small area and the contour interval may be kept small from 30cm to 60 cm.

(2) By  Cross Sections Method : This method is most suited to route surveys. Cross sections are run transverse to the  centre line  of railway ,  road or a  canal etc. The cross section lines need not necessarily be at right angles to the  centre  line, they can also be inclined at any angle to  centre line as per requirement.

Cross Section Method 

 The spacing of the  cross- section depends upon the character of the ground , the contour interval and the purpose of the  survey. Pegs are then driven at regular  interval and each cross-section on the both sides of the centre  line .Levels are taken over these points and there  elevations  calculated with respect to any known reduced level near the area  .The cross -sections and the points are plotted on the plan. The reduced level of  each point is recorded and contour lines are then drawn by interpolation as shown in fig 1.8.The spacing of cross sections may be 20m  to 30m in hilly area and 50m to 100m in flat  country .

(3) By Tachometric Method :

In  this  method instrument known  as tachometer is used . A tachometer is theodolite  fitted with diaphragm having two stadia wires, one above and other below the central wire. The staff intercept is then calculated by taking the difference between the readings of the upper  and lower stadia wires. Horizontal distance is determined by multiplying this intercept with the stadia constant of the instrument which is usually 100 .The horizontal distance thus need not be measured , since the tachometer provides both horizontal as well as vertical control

This method is most suited when  a contour map of hill is required . also tachometer can command  more area  and thus it is cheap and economical comparatively .

From  each of the traverse  station a number of radial lines are set out at a known angular interval and pegs are driven  on these  as per requirement . The elevation and the horizontal distance of each point is determined and recorded . The survey is plotted on the plan and contour lines are the interpolated as usual .
Difference  Between Direct and Indirect  Method  of contouring .


Direct Method                                                                               Indirect Method  

(1) It is  slow and laborious method                       (1) It is quick as well as less laborious .it is   
      but it is most accurate                                            not  so accurate  but is cheap
(2)It  is used  for small  area                                   (2) Used in all kinds of surveys  and large 
  where great accuracy is required                               areas where great accuracy is not the main criteria
(3) It  is not very  useful for hilly                           (3)In hilly areas tachometric method of contouring 
      areas                                                                       gives better result.
(4)Calculation work is more since                         (4)By using tachometer area  commanded from one 
control  from one set up of the                                   set  up is more and hence less calculation work.
level is less and also the staff reading 
,requirement at each point 
to be worked out

Methods  Of Interpolating Contours:-

Interpolation of contours is the process of spacing the contours proportionally between the plotted ground points which have been established by indirect methods of contouring .

There are three methods of interpolating contours :

(a)By Estimation Method : The  method in which positions of contour points between ground points estimated roughly and the contour line drawn through these points is called estimation method .

(b) By Arithmetic  Calculation Method :The method in which the interpolation of contour done by mathematical calculation is called arithmetic calculation method 

(c) By graphical Method : The method in which interpolation of contour done by use of graph peper is called graphical method 

Contour Gradient :A contour gradient may be define as a line joining the points on different contours along the same gradient .

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